German II/III Daily Activities

Find out what we did every day!

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Wednesday 29 November

Frau Dvorak gone

Link here - All other links are in the document

Tuesday 28 November

Read chapter 3 in person lines - answered questions

Monday 27 November

Read chapter 2 - answered questions

Wednesday 22 November

Worked on Turkeys/Read Brandon Brown chapter 1/played games

Tuesday 21 November

Worked on Turkeys/Read Brandon Brown chapter 1

Monday 20 November 

Assigned and worked on turkey writing

Friday 17 November

Worked on and shared weather reports

Thursday 16 November

Wrote in Heft: Wie ist das Wetter in ND im Sommer, Herbst, Winter, und Frühling? 

Assigned weather report and worked on it. 

Wednesday 15 November

Finished up worksheet. Discussed weather in different locations

Tuesday 14 November

Wie ist das Wetter heute?

Reviewed work 

assigned 4 & 5 Review

Monday 13 November

Read for 10 minutes

Reviewed Affe und Kuh Geschichte

Finished up weather vocab

Answer Wie ist das Wetter?

Worked on pages 2 & 3

Thursday 9 November

Went through Die Kuh und der Affe paragraph

Started the weather vocab

Wednesday 8 November

Die Kuh und der Affe finish and questions

Tuesday 7 November

Verb Quiz 

Die Kuh und der Affe vocab finish and story

Monday 6 November

Read for 10 minutes

reviewed the verbs

Die Kuh und der Affe vocabulary. 

Friday 3 November

Free writing sentences and practicing expanding sentences

Thursday 2 November

Went through the Berlin wall explanation

Practiced verbs

Wednesday 31 October

Frau Dvorak gone

Article - must read

Video - must read

Berlin Airlift Info

More about the wall itself

Tuesday 30 October

Took quiz on modals and KII

Wrote in Heft - Halloween

Monday 29 October

quiet reading

added to verbs list

Played connect 4

Friday 27 October

Finished discussion about Taschengeld.

Thursday 26. October 

played game from home

Wednesday 25 October

Practiced conjugation

Taschengeld discussion

Tuesday 24 October


Wrote in Heft

Gimkit draw.

Monday 23 October

Speaking with modals

Read story

Tuesday 3 Oktober

Tag der deutschen Einheit

What is Germany's national holiday?

Sang: Ein Prosit

Worked on Oktoberfest and Dirk activities

Monday 2 Oktober

Worked on Oktoberfest activities

Worked on Dirk - looked at Smash Doodle Examples

Friday 29 September

Heft - Dirk Kapitel 6

Presented Oktoberfest Poster

Played Gimkit with Dirk Vokabeln

Thursday 28 September

Worked on Oktoberfest Info Poster

Read Dirk again

Dirk Kapitel 6 - Lesen 

Wednesday 27 September

Worked on Oktoberfest Info Poster

Vocab, read Dirk K 6. listened to Dirk K6

Tuesday 26 September

Finished up Münchner Gemütlichkeit. 

Worked on K 5 Fragen

Assigned Oktoberfest presentation.

Monday 25 September

Read just past Und zu trink? in Münchner Gemütlichkeit. 

In Heft: Dirk Kapitel 5 - Übersetze ein oder zwei Aufsätze (about half a page) auf Englisch

Worked on Oktoberfest Aktivitäten. 

Friday 22 September

Read first half of dialogue of Oktoberfest Gemütlichkeit

Thursday 21 September

Oktoberfest discussion

Start reading Oktoberfest Gemütlichkeit and answering questions

Wednesday 20 September

Dirk Kapitel 5

Read through silently - then insta-translate read it as a class

Tuesday 19 September

Dirk Kapitel 4

As a class - wrote a new Dirk Kapitel

HW - write your own Dirk Kapitel

Monday 18 September

Read Dirk Kapitel 4 

Friday 8 September

Read In der Schule and went through meaning

Finished up chapter 2

Assigned the questions at the end of the book for chapter 2

Looked at some of the soccer madness in Deutschland

Thursday 7 September

Yay Rebecca!

Went over the rest of the chapter 2 vocab and read chapter 2 from Dirk

Wednesday 6 September

Went over chapter 2 vocab

Talked about Manuel Neuer

Tuesday 5 September

Technology problems grrr....

Mini vocab quiz

Re-read chapter 1 - wrote, with only vocab as notes, a recap of everything you remember in your new Schulheft. Title: Dirk - Kapitel 1

Friday 1 September

Read through the Kulterelle on page 4

Schule discussion

Speed read Dirk Kapitel 1

Answer questions at the end of the book for Kapitel 1

Highlight 5 key words from the chapter.

Thursday 31 August

Discuss what we know about Dirk in Kapitel 1 and everything he tells us about others. 

Read Dirk Kapitel 1

Wednesday 30 August

Finish Dirk vocabulary and start reading

Tuesday 29 August

Read Lucien's story

Read Frau Dvorak's new story

Work on the start of the Dirk Vocabulary

Monday 28 August

Recap the story - put sentences in order

Change/re-write the story

Start on Dirk vocab - fill in vocab list. 

Monday 22 - Friday 26 August

Getting settled in. Writing down everyone's names. Going through syllabus. 

Starting story vocabulary & going through die Katzengeschichte

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